RICS Home Survey - Level 3 report

A detailed report on the condition and state of repair 

of the building.

We provide detailed reports by inspecting all safely accessible parts of the property. The report will provide comments regarding the condition and state of repair.

What is a RICS Home Survey - Level 3 report?

(Previously known as the RICS Building Survey or Structural Survey)

A Level 3 report a detailed report regarding the overall condition of a building. 

It is suitable for the majority of property types, especially older buildings, listed buildings, buildings where various extensions have taken place or are unusual in construction.

The report is provided following a detailed inspection of all sensible/safely accessible areas of the building, pertinent outbuildings and grounds. A detailed description of the construction is provided together with recommendations for short, medium and long term repairs and improvements. 

A schedule of photographs regarding existing, potential or developing problems and defects is provided together with recommendations for any further specialist reports.

Our Level 3 - Building Surveys Include:

A magnifying glass is looking at a piece of paper with arrows on it.
  • Description of visible defects & potential problems.
  • Outline: of repairs needed & consequences of no action.
  • Advice on services, risks & dangerous conditions.
  • A schedule of photographs of problem areas.

We provide the report in PDF format by email so other parties such as the client's legal advisers can be furnished with a copy or part of, as required.

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 "A very comprehensive report and the discussion afterwards helped me understand the issues and relative importance of the things uncovered by the report. I felt very well informed to make decisions about the property."

Mr & Mrs C


Description of the RICS Home Survey – Level 3

To view a detailed description of the RICS Home Survey Level 3 report please click on the button below to download.

It is a description of the rics home survey - level 3.
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